Sejarah Berkembangnya Pondok Pesantren Al-Waridin Jawa Timur


  • Ardila Tiwi Puspita Sari UIN Walisongo


History, Islamic Boarding School, Islamic Education


This article aims to examine the history of the founding of the Al-Waridin Islamic boarding school, which is one of the historical Islamic educational institutions. The tools used in this research are questionnaires and interview guidelines. The research method used is a qualitative approach because the data collected are the views and opinions of the individuals interviewed through their words. The results of the discussion show that the Al-Waridin cottage, founded by K. Waridin in 1763, has developed from a small mosque which became a center for Islamic education, to the establishment of a boarding school. Apart from that, Al-Waridin Islamic boarding school is able to adapt to changing times, facing various challenges so that it remains relevant in the modern era.


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How to Cite

Ardila Tiwi Puspita Sari. (2024). Sejarah Berkembangnya Pondok Pesantren Al-Waridin Jawa Timur. AL-MUSTAQBAL: Jurnal Agama Islam, 1(3), 38–44. Retrieved from

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